Miyerkules, Nobyembre 10, 2021

Intimate sound and melody

Intimate sounds is one of the things that make us feel connected to each other. Throughout the history of human beings sound is used to express the things that they had feel inside themselves. There were many different sounds that will trigger the intimacy of each beings. Most sounds that was used for creating intimate relationships, especially during dating time were the sound that are full of instrumental musics. Those who especialize on intimate sound and music really knows what type of instruments should be used in realizing the sounds that were used in the business of intimacy. https://www.smashwords.com/books/affiliate/1118798

Biyernes, Oktubre 1, 2021

Different level and categories of Sexual intercourse and penetrations by Tarogohista.

Base on the journal study of Mr. Tarogohista RTS. He writes about the motional wavemovement of the physical body muscles of its ojects that he study. Base on many decades of his study on sexual intercourse he said that the numerical moves and calculated penetrations will create wonderful results on intimate relationships. The angles of motion movement of the body creates energization of the good body hormones of each beings. the angle numeric touch will help release the bad fluids of the body that creates toxic behavior of the physical body and the mind behaviors.

Sabado, Setyembre 11, 2021

what is medicinal sex? (tarogohism or tarogohismo) by Jatorist RTS. of Jatorology School in Tambay University

Jatorist RTS had been studying many different aspects of medicinal sex and try so many method and practices in order to come for better understanding about medicinal sex. he develop many different method of sexaul practices and penitration that could create great healthy outcome. he try the different method to release the toxic outcome of sexual intercourse. these were some of his method that he use in order to create a healthy sexual spirit, he called it as tarogohism or tarogohismo which means as the calculated motion of the body, tongue, hands and the nevres and muscles of the sexual genetals. he said that each strokes has corresponding electrical energy that will reflect to the body health. it can create great emotional power and releases the toxin of the body that is coming from the stressful thinking, physical works and environmental pressures. for further info next for the continuetion of this.

Lunes, Enero 6, 2020

How to be a Father by: Robert Sumalpong

Most people think that to become a Father is just simple. If you have a children or child then it means it is all. But upon talking to different people who had children,they said different things. They said Fatherhood does not begin with having a wife and children. It begins from within yourself. They said that to become a father you must learn to understand other before reacting on them. I learned by experience that to become a father you must learn how to the four stomach of human. This four stomach are the psychological, spiritual, emotion and the physical. This are the four stomach that you need to feed in order you to become a Father. And first thing you need to do is know the different techniques on how to feed this four stomach. You may say its easy but when you do it the hard part Will appear. In feeding the mind you must learn how to acquire wisdom in a clever way. Acquiring wisdom Will take longer time in our life. This are some simple tips on how to acquire wisdom. Reading books is one way of acquiring knowledge and it will build your wisdom upon performing the knowledge you acquire. Or acting on the knowledge that you acquire. being a father means you must be willing to do all the things you can do in order to provide, protect, norture, elevate and create fairness and equality within your family. You must learn to develop the highest value of responsible act on all the things you will deside and do.

Lunes, Pebrero 4, 2019

money wisdom beyond money banking by Robert Sumalpng

money is wisdom to those who understand wealth and love. time is gold when you learn the science of time. years before people are very busy finding money in there life. but they forgot the true essence of money in there life. money wisdom is a kind of money banking that is really worth pursuing. if you know the money wisdom then you will get rich in a very easy way. like doing the empty pocket system in going to business practices. empty pocket is a study of how to manage your finances during investment period. it is mastering how to spot the greatest business design for you. it is a form of research.

Biyernes, Disyembre 28, 2018

tarogohismo by: Emologist Trebor

tarogohismo is a form of sex position and penetration that would explain the way of medicinal sex occur during and after the sex. it has a different level of climax and different level of performance that need to be done in order to have the great result. in the world of medicine sex is the backbone of hormonal balances that will lead you to the fitness that you want to acquire in life. foreplay and so many different style of sex is not a guarantee that it will result to a medicinal sex. it needs to be done by the flawless of breathing and flawless of moves like doing a massage on the emotional part and the physical part while having sex. for more info just wait for the next blog and next discussion we will have in the EMOLOGY class.

Miyerkules, Enero 7, 2015

Jatorism: some of the factors why inequality of obtaining we...

Jatorism: some of the factors why inequality of obtaining we...: some of the factors why inequality of obtaining wealth and knowledge is still continue until this time are the system of education, system o...

some of the factors why inequality of obtaining wealth and knowledge. by Robert T. sumalpong

some of the factors why inequality of obtaining wealth and knowledge is still continue until this time are the system of education, system of government, objectives of each businesses and the way of life we do. these are some reason why most poor people have a hard time to reach the full potential of richness they wanted in life because of this factors. and most of the time they work hard to fine the system that could help them become rich. while rich people are using their money to buy system that could generate more wealth unto them. by R.T.S. How educational system create poverty? base on historical events and factual facts about poverty on societies and community happened through the way of their educations. if you wanted to confirm it to your naked eye, look around the poverty rate of your area and make an assessment on the most highest factors of their poverty. if you are not familiar with how education had play the role of poverty then you never internalize the true aunthentic reality of poverty creation. try observing the rich community and societies with the poor communities and societies in your place. once you did these things, then you will understand the system of eduction the two sets of communities that had produces the great difference on their life and community. Once an educational system is founded in the principles of greediness, iniquality, corruption and control then the result will be in infinite chaos and poverty.

Lunes, Enero 5, 2015

Jatorism: Seven level of JATORISM by Robert T. Sumalpong

Jatorism: Seven level of JATORISM by Robert T. Sumalpong: jatorism is a word use for a well studied intimacy. intimacy is a kind of system that is used for both humans, animals, insects and God to e...

Seven level of JATORISM by Robert T. Sumalpong

jatorism is a word use for a well studied intimacy. intimacy is a kind of system that is used for both humans, animals, insects and God to express their feelings and opinion about love. jatorism on the other hand is a highest form of intimacy that can give us a complete idea of the things pertaining to intimacy as a whole. as what i learn before intimacy is a highest form of relationship between two or more beings. the more we understand the role of intimacy in our life and to the life of each beings the more we can learn to make our life, environment and the world in a better place. When intimacy is not been recognize and understood well it could create a chaos between yourself. you will have a hard time expressing your true personality to your family, friends and to your community. there are also caution of misinformed intimacy. when someone been misinformed of the meaning of intimacy he or she could damage his or her future on doing the wrong concept of intimacy. heartache, broken relationship, family problem, cruelty,jealousy and even financial problem will prevail because of misguided intimacy. by R.T.S.